Friday, September 25, 2020

PK: 9/28-10/2

PE for this week: 

Ms. Conley is helping you with locomotor movement this week! Open the virtual gym activity and enjoy. 

Virtual Gym Activity

Music for this week: 

1. Open the virtual music room and click on the "READ"- click on the johnny appleseed book and enjoy the book and song by Mrs. Carroll

2. Click on the scarves and choose a few movement activities

3. Can you name the 4 voices we learned with our friend Tommy? If you forget, go back to the video in week 1. :) 

Virtual Music Room

Sunday, September 20, 2020

PK- Week 2 PE

 Hello PK friends! 

We loved seeing some of you enjoying our week 1 lessons. Are you ready for week 2? 

For PE, you always have to warmup with Ms. Conley first to get your body ready for gym class.  

Click this link to warmup with Ms. Conley: 

Ms. Conley's Warmup

After warming up, Ms. Conley wants you to make a hopscotch inside or outside. Be creative: you can use chalk, sticks, tape, etc. Find a rock or other small item to toss. 

Here is a video to help you with hopscotch if you need it. 

For music this week, click this link to visit our virtual music classroom. Watch the video introduction, then click on your grade level for the weekly assignments. 

Virtual Music Room

Friday, September 11, 2020

PK Week 1

 Hello PK friends! 

Learn the 4 voices with Mrs. Carroll for music. 

PE Class Activities:

Click this link to warmup with Ms. Conley!

Music & PE- Ms. Conley and Mrs. Carroll love freeze dance!