Monday, March 11, 2019

March is Music in Our School's Month

It's March, which is Music in Our School's Month.  We started March out with Dr. Suess fun.
1. We read the book Hand Hand Fingers Thumb and drummed along with it.
2. We watched a Notes Alive orchestra concert of Dr. Suess' My Many Colored Day and had fun moving creatively to the different emotions.
3. PK had fun singing the Cat in the Hat.
4. K-1 had fun learning Dr. Suess we Love You

We also continued PK's "Get into Music" theme and learned about Camille Saint Saens Carnival of the Animals.  We had fun moving like turtles, cuckoo clocks, and kangaroos.  This piece is so much fun to do with kids and teaches so much, like loud/soft, fast/slow, high/low, and instruments.

We had a break from music class to complete Kids Heart Challenge with Ms. Conley for a few days this month. It was a fun few days!!

Stay tuned for more music fun!!