Sunday, September 28, 2014

My classroom 2014-2015

Risers are a new addition this year, we use them a lot and the kids love when I say go to your riser spots. 

View of my teacher corner. Love how I got cabinets to store stuff this year. In front of the piano is my music money. Classes earn money when they complete the daily objectives and keep 5 stars. 

View of my table areas, used for worksheet and coloring  centers

View of front of room. Love my new WV clock that my hubby bought for me! 

Bulletin board I got from the bulletin board lady on TPT that displays the national music standards

My September bulletin board. 

My 7 habits board. Found the idea on Pinterest and did this all by myself. I'm proud of it! 

My tiny awards. The kids love these little things. It's amazing what motivation a slip of paper is. 

List of current music centers

September activities

Well a new year is up and running and my students have been busy making music. I almost forgot about this blog, but hope to share some things that take place in my classroom.

Last week my kindergarten and 1st grade students had fun with apple songs and activities since it was Johnny Appleseed week. We read a book about him and sang the song "do you know the apple man?". They had a blast playing the apple tree passing game and getting knocked out to play instruments. A few classes even got to do "5 rosy apples". In this activity we played xylophones and triangles on the word apple. The xylophones played a high low pattern.

My 2-4 grade students worked in music centers for the first time this year. I was proud of what they accomplished but we didn't get to finish due to me bring out sick on Friday.
Here are the 5 centers that we used this month:
1. Worksheet- grades 2 and 3 did a rhythm worksheet showing their knowledge of quarter, eighth, and rests. Grade 4 did a worksheet to test their star spangled knowledge, where they had to fill in the missing words in the lyrics.
2. Color- they used music symbols to decorate their pumpkins. These will be displayed on the bulletin board in October.
3. Rhythm- they matched and read rhythmic patterns using quarter, eighth, and rests
4. Music symbols- they matched symbols
5. Talk about tunes- this was new to all students and I really enjoyed listening to the conversations these questions brought about.
**some students got to use the "read me a song" center and read books from my music library while we waited to switch.

We've also had fun singing our 7 habit song of the month, which we learned from YouTube.