Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November fun in music class

November is a short but busy month in music. There is a lot of days off due to holidays, such as election day and veterans day.  We also had a PD day for teachers. Then throw in Thanksgiving Break and we really don't have much school left; however, we have made lots of music. 

First, we celebrated Veterans Day by singing patriotic songs. We had our program and I am very proud of our students. The veterans loved our program.  

Second, we did manage to squeeze in some Thanksgiving fun in music class.  We did an ABA form version of the song Five Fat Turkeys.  Those silly turkeys are hiding from the cook so they won't be cooked on Thanksgiving Day.  We also did the pumpkin song/game.  The kids really like this activity. When they get out, they get to play pumpkin shakers.  

We also squeezed in a little Thanksgiving Freeze Dance fun before break! 

After Thanksgiving break we will begin the process of learning songs for our Christmas program.