Monday, September 16, 2019

New year, another new room

Im really behind on updates. If you don’t know by now we are in a different room for music. We are busy making music and having fun in our new room.
Here is a few updates from each grade:

Songs: Thumbkin, Open them Shut Them, Days of the Week,
We have been working on musical opposites fast and slow. We love playing the Old Gray Car.
We performed 2 songs for our grandparents day celebration.
We have learned the 4 ways to use our voice too.

Songs- EEncy Weency Spider(even in Spanish),  Happy & Know It, Happy grandparents Day, Lets go see our grandparents

We are working on musical opposites fast and slow. We are doing several activities that show that we can move to show different tempos,

1st Grade:
We have worked on discussing steady beat. We learned about composer Haydn and used his Clock Symphony to show we could bounce a tennis ball.

We have been working on musical opposites fast and slow. We went on a bear hunt and learned a song called “I am slowly going crazy”

On Wednesday, Ms Conley and  myself started a “I can tie my shoe” club. We have several who have already made the club.

So far we are off to a great start in the world of music.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Spring time is here.....

Spring time is here and we have been enjoying some fun in the sun in music class.  This time of year I love to do singing games with the kids.  If they are good, we even get to play them outside in the beautiful weather.
So far we have played the following:
1. Farmer in the Dell
2. Shoo fly
3. Highland Gates (we went in and out the windows and up and down ladders in this fun game!)
4. We Are Floating Down the River (a fun game with tempo changes)

During the week of the petting zoo, we had some fun with farmer songs in music class.  We played the Farmer in the Dell. We also sang Old MacDonald.

We have completed our music alphabet for the year too. We have an instrument from A-Z.

We have also been working on songs to sing for our awards day celebrations.

This week we have playing a few fun games called Hunt the Cows and Ring Around the Rosy. They both fit my motto for the end of the year: Keep Them Moving! It makes time fly by and we have fun while we move.  We are ending the year on a positive note in music class for sure.

PK did a fun lesson this week with two songs called "Sally Go Round the Sun" and "Mr. Sun".

Monday, March 11, 2019

March is Music in Our School's Month

It's March, which is Music in Our School's Month.  We started March out with Dr. Suess fun.
1. We read the book Hand Hand Fingers Thumb and drummed along with it.
2. We watched a Notes Alive orchestra concert of Dr. Suess' My Many Colored Day and had fun moving creatively to the different emotions.
3. PK had fun singing the Cat in the Hat.
4. K-1 had fun learning Dr. Suess we Love You

We also continued PK's "Get into Music" theme and learned about Camille Saint Saens Carnival of the Animals.  We had fun moving like turtles, cuckoo clocks, and kangaroos.  This piece is so much fun to do with kids and teaches so much, like loud/soft, fast/slow, high/low, and instruments.

We had a break from music class to complete Kids Heart Challenge with Ms. Conley for a few days this month. It was a fun few days!!

Stay tuned for more music fun!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Suess fun in music.....

We have had a lot of fun this week in music class.

We started the week with the book Hand Hand Fingers Thumb. We drummed along with it.

We are ending our week with Dr. Suess' My many Colored Days.  We watch a video of the Minnesota Orchestra and we get to move creatively for each of the different colors in the book.  We love happy pink days! However, at the end of the day we always go back to being "ME"(ourself).

PK finished up Vivaldi's The Four Seasons with Autumn this week.  We sang the Eency Weency Spider and Cloudy Weather. We moved to Vivaldi's Autumn. We met 2 of Vivaldi's composer friends in our Quaver story (St. Saens and Debussy)

It has been a fabulous week in the music room at Chapmanville Primary this week!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Fun in music.......

Phew, It's been a few weeks since I've updated everyone on our music fun.  We have been learning about Vivaldi's The Four Seasons.  1st grade listened and did a composer drawing activity with Vivaldi's Winter.  They drew whatever the music made them think of. We have beautiful winter artwork outside our music room right now.

We also did Vivaldi's Spring. We showed that we recognized the patterns in the music by playing sticks on the main melody in this piece.

PK has been having fun with our Quaver lessons. Poor Vivaldi suffered from spring allergies during his spring music.  Then in his summer music, he climbed a tree and got stuck.  Our friend BooBam the drum helped distract him and get him out of the tree.

We also have been celebrating Black History Month this month.  We learned about Louis Armstrong and listened to his popular song "What a Wonderful World".  Grades k-1 listened and drew pictures to show what the music made them think of.  We have some beautiful artwork hung up in the hallway close to the office.

We have continued our Black History/Jazz lessons this week. We read the book "The Jazz Fly" and did a song called "Scat Like That".  We love scat singing!
We also did a fun singing game called "Little Sally Walker".

Our song of the week last week also went along with the jazz theme. We sang a jazzy version of "You Are My Sunshine".

PK has really enjoyed our Vivaldi Four Seasons lessons. We have done movement songs with each lesson.
Winter: Frosty Weather
Spring: Rainy Weather
Summer: Sunny Weather
Each of these songs is a circle song that includes movement.
Each lesson has a fun song to go with it also, for spring we did "Los Pollitos", which is little chickens in Spanish. We had fun learning some Spanish words with this song.  For Summer, we sang "old MacDonald".  For winter, we did a snowman song.

It has been an exciting time in music class! Stay tuned for more!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Sing about Martin.....

This week we have all sung songs about Martin Luther King.  Our song of the day was Sing About Martin, which is a call/response song.

Kindergarten did a speech piece called Martin Luther King in ABA form. The A part was loud and we used drums and triangles. The B part was soft and we used sticks.

First grade used their Big Book and read about Martin and sang 2 songs called Martin Luther King and Everybody Oughta Know.  Both songs use an AABA form.

We have also been learning about loud and soft. We played a singing game in PK and K called Grizzly Bear.  When the bear gets woke up, he is very LOUD AND MAD!!!

PK has enjoyed their loud and soft Quaver stories.  This week we did "The Cowboy Cavelier Comes Home". He sings softly when he is in the hot desert and loud when he is close to home.  We also listened to the story "The Rain, The Wind, and the Cloud".  The 3 characters are fighting over who is louder and who is softer. The sun comes and helps them solve their problem by teaching us that it really doesn't matter b/c we all need to work together and be friends.

It has been a fun week in music class! Enjoy your 3 day weekend!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

New Year, New Start!

First of all, December was a blast in music class. Our Christmas programs were fabulous! I'm very proud of our students.

This week has been a great week in music class.  Here is what we have done this week.

PK completed 2 lessons this week. The first one had a "New Year, New Start" theme.  We talked about how making a fresh or new start can feel good. We watched a Quaver story called JJ's Big List. JJ had a list of new, different, and exciting things he wanted to do in the new year.  After our story, we sang the song "This Little Light of Mine". We talked about how we could let our light shine in 2019.  We listened to Handel's Music for Royal Fireworks and jumped to the beat.

The 2nd lesson PK did was about the ocean and loud and soft sounds. We sang two songs: "At the bottom of the sea" and "Charlie Over the Ocean".  Our Quaver story was about Charlie and how he caught his big fish.  Ask your child, how Charlie caught his fish? Also, ask them if Charlie's dad snores loudly or softly?
We sang the song Charlie Over the Ocean loud and soft. Then we listened to Camille St. Saen's Aquarium music and pretended to be a fish.

K-1 have had a great week too! We read or well sang the book Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you See.  Then we played the singing game with our music friends(puppets and beanie babies).  Every child sang a solo with this activity.
We also read the book Polar Bear Polar Bear What do you Hear.  In this book, the students created the animal sounds.  We used zoo pal plates to create an animal song on our carpet.  It was very fun to perform our song as a class!
We also talked about loud and soft sounds.  We really like Haydn's Surprise Symphony.

It has been a fabulous week in music class!