Thursday, March 26, 2020

My Family Plays Music

March is Music in our School's Month, so let's continue celebrating it even though we are home! We read a book at the beginning of the month called "Because" and I loved the discussions we had in Kindergarten.

Does your family play music? If they do, share in the comments below!

Today we have a book called "My Family Plays Music". After we read the book, I will share some other videos to go along with the different genres/styles of music and instruments we heard about.

1. Can you name 2 family members and what they played. 
2. Can you name 2 styles of music that were mentioned in the book?
3. What did the narrator (little girl) play?
4. What did her daddy say she was? Why did he say this? 

At the end, they say the whole family celebrates. Right now Let’s celebrate with our family and watch this fun video! 

I hope you enjoyed this lesson! 

Extra activity: draw a picture of you and your family playing or making music. You could also write about what you drew.  

When finished, hang it up and if possible share it with Mrs. Carroll. 

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