Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Sing about Martin.....

This week we have all sung songs about Martin Luther King.  Our song of the day was Sing About Martin, which is a call/response song.

Kindergarten did a speech piece called Martin Luther King in ABA form. The A part was loud and we used drums and triangles. The B part was soft and we used sticks.

First grade used their Big Book and read about Martin and sang 2 songs called Martin Luther King and Everybody Oughta Know.  Both songs use an AABA form.

We have also been learning about loud and soft. We played a singing game in PK and K called Grizzly Bear.  When the bear gets woke up, he is very LOUD AND MAD!!!

PK has enjoyed their loud and soft Quaver stories.  This week we did "The Cowboy Cavelier Comes Home". He sings softly when he is in the hot desert and loud when he is close to home.  We also listened to the story "The Rain, The Wind, and the Cloud".  The 3 characters are fighting over who is louder and who is softer. The sun comes and helps them solve their problem by teaching us that it really doesn't matter b/c we all need to work together and be friends.

It has been a fun week in music class! Enjoy your 3 day weekend!

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